
Equipment Hire


Campbell Athletic Field is available for hire

Campbell Field is used by many local schools for their athletics carnivals, as well as other community events. All ground booking enquiries should be made to Canterbury Bankstown Council on 9707 9000 or through the Campbell Athletic Field Booking Form.


Canterbury Athletic’s Club equipment is available for hire with your ground booking.

All funds raised through the hire of our equipment goes back into our Canterbury Athletics Club to help fund our training programs, new equipment and competition entry fees for athletes. We are a not-for-profit, community sporting club.


Process to hire Canterbury Athletics Club’s equipment:

  1. Download our Canterbury Athletics Equipment Hire Form complete and return to equipment@clac.org.au.
  2. Our Equipment Officer will be in touch with you prior to your carnival to make surCLAC-Equipment-Hire-Forme you have all of the equipment that you need.
  3. On the morning of your carnival, our Equipment Officer will meet you onsite to handover the equipment and again, ensure you have all that you need.
  4. At the conclusion of your carnival, any amendments to your equipment booking (either additional equipment or removing equipment that wasn’t needed) and an invoice will be emailed to you. Our payment terms are by direct deposit and within 14 days of the invoice date.

We love the sport of athletics and want your school carnival to be a success! We’d also love to encourage any of your students who have enjoyed their school carnival at Campbell Athletic Field to join us at Canterbury Athletics Club to continue their involvement in athletics. If you’d like any further information on how we can help your students continue, please don’t hesitate to email equipment@clac.org.au.