Safety Reminders
All officials and volunteers helping on the field must sign the attendance sheet/ check in via the QR code to ensure they are covered by insurance and wear the coloured vests supplied.
- Only athletes, Age Managers, committee members and volunteers are allowed on the field from 6 pm Fridays.
- All other parents and carers must be promptly at the stands by 6 pm Fridays and stay there for the duration of the competition. This is a requirement set down by the Association due to insurance limitations.
- Parents/carers and athletes must take care when crossing the field at all times. Please take extra care when you and/or children in your care are near the discus, shot put and javelin areas.
- Younger children must be supervised and not be allowed to run onto the field during competition.
- No ball games are allowed at the centre during competition nights.
- In the interests of safety, no dogs are allowed on competition nights. Owners and their dogs will be asked to leave the field.
Athletes must not put their fingers through the discus cage. Serious injury may result if hit by a flying discus.
No children should be on or touching the equipment prior to the commencement of competition, or without official supervision. Doing so may result in loss of points to the athlete. Some equipment can cause serious injury if misused.
It is the parent/carers duty to supervise their children during the set up of the field. Please do not let your children near the equipment or timing gates prior to competition.