
Hurdle Helpers

Hurdle Helpers

Canterbury Athletics Club, like all Little Athletics are powered by volunteers from our community. We rely on a strong team of active, regular volunteers to help ensure that the events run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Every volunteer role is important.


Sign up to volunteer

How will I know when it’s time to start?

When it is time for the hurdles to commence, an announcement will be made over the loudspeaker by our Acting President. Please listen out for the announcement and/or check the approximate time on the weekly Program schedule for that night.

What is expected of me on the night?

  • You will need to set up the initial set of hurdles, according to the height requirements for the first age group.
  • At the end of each race, hurdles need to be re-set for each lane so that there is a full set.
  • There are different heights required for different age groups, and you will be needed to help adjust them to suit as required.
  • For younger age groups, you will need to re-set the hurdles in each lane.
  • For the older age groups, the Age Group Helpers may be able to support re-setting the hurdles in each lane. You will need to speak to the Age Managers to coordinate. Where agreed with the Age Managers, you will need to brief the Age Group Helpers to set and re-set hurdles in the lanes as required.

When can I leave?

  • At the end of the hurdle sessions, they will need to be packed up in the shed.
  • You can check in with our Acting President Ljiljana in the pink vest.

More information